Nowadays lots of women spend more time at work than at home. Or may be if you have an home office space you spend a lot of time there. That's why it is considered an important space of us "women of the future". Me, I like sprucing up my work space every now and then, I am a little OC: I always want all things on it's proper place. And of course I love cute and unique things. Well this not about what's on our office desk, but what I have listed a couple of office desk emergency items. (Because we can never predict if something happens, right?!) Mobile phone charger : this is a MUST!!! I have 2 mobile chargers since I have 2 phones, an iPhone and my ever reliable Nokia QWERTY phone. I also carry a powerbank in my bag. So it's no low batt phone for me wherever I go. Feminine products : Always be prepared and ready for ... period! It's kinda embarrassing to ask for this from your office mates, it's a personal thing. Kikay kit : When we wer...