source: Finally, I found something that could tame my "tutchang" (hair frizz), baby hair - every time I wear my ponytail. I normally use hair spray to make it look smooth, yes it holds our hair in place but it looks hard. Utena Matomage is made in Japan and it comes in regular (pink) and strong (green) hold. It's a hair wax in balm form. I got the green which is the strong hold and I loved it. It really holds the loose hair without making it look stiff and hard - giving my hair a natural finish. It is also non-sticky and does not look greasy. It's super easy to use, just apply it directly to you hair and it automatically does it magic. I know it's already available here in the Philippines and you can get it from Online shopping sites. Prices at around Php265.00 to P350.00. I got mine as a pasabulong from Japan. If you will ask me if I will buy this product? Definitely Yes!♥ Til my next review! xo, Chiq♥