Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Review: Saint Roche Detangling & Dematting Spray♥


Last week I got a little panicky while I was running my fingers on Mochi's fur and felt a couple of small matting on different parts of his body.  I religiously brush his fur everyday that's why I am a little disappointed with the small matts.  I readily checked online what are the dematting or detangling products available here in the Philippines.  Of course I wanted something natural without chemicals that would harm my dog.  I found a couple of items in Shopee : and trimmed it down into two (2) the Saint Roche Detangling and Dematting Spray and Chris Christensen Ice on Ice Dematting Spray.  

I bought the Saint Roche - though both have good reviews I chose the this because it's affordable and Mochi once used the Saint Roche Shampoo (recommended by his Vet).

The Saint Roche detangling spray comes in four (4) scents : Storge, Philia, Pragma and Agape.  I really don't know what scent to choose, but since Philia is the only one who is always out of stock - I thought it was the most popular and best scent.  So when I found a store that have a stock of Philia I ordered it right away. 

Why am I doing this review?  Well one of the fur parent who is following Mochi's Instagram messaged me and asked me about my experience with Saint Roche.

  • Availability - it's available in both online selling platforms - Shopee and Lazada.  For sure it's also available in pet shops near you.  I opted to buy online because as much as possible I limit myself in going to different places (because of the pandemic).
  • Quality - Based from my experience Saint Roche products are good quality.  I have used Saint Roche Shampoo when Mochi is still a little pup and I loved it.  I still use it alternately with Reliq Shampoo.  As recommended by his Veterinarian, that I should only use natural / organic grooming items so our pets will be more protected because some ingredients might be harmful to them.
  • Affordability - I got the spray at P369.00 inclusive of shipping.  Not really cheap but if it's safe and effective for my little Mochi - why not, right?
When I received the spray I used it right away, because I am really afraid that the matting will get worse.  

Here's what I did:  I sprayed directly on the matted hair and tried detangling it with my fingers.  It worked but of course - patience is a virtue...  it's not as if when you spray, it will be detangled right away.  You have to work your fingers through it.  For the slightly big matted parts I sprayed more, I really soaked the matted portion and slowly detangled it with my fingers.  I didn't use the detangling / slicker brush because I am afraid of hurting Mochi, so I patiently did the detangling using my hands. 

Effectiveness - YES!  But you have to work for it...  

Now this product will form part of Mochi's clean up time before going to bed.  

Before going to bed - Mochi always have his clean up time.  I brush his teeth (he can't use Dentastix anymore because one time he swallowed a whole stick - so I don't give him anymore), clean his paws, face and body with wet wipes and lastly I brush his fur/hair.  Before I just directly brush his fur, but now I apply the Saint Roche detangling spray before brushing...  The spray makes his fur soft and easy to manage, which makes brushing a lot easier, less stress to him and he smell so good...♥

Will I still buy again?  Yes, but would love to try the other scents.  If you have any suggestions just comment it down below.


***Before I forget I wanted to share this hack I read online, before the arrival of the spray (which took almost a week), I put cornstarch on the matted fur and brushed.. it also worked... but the brushing of the matted portion really gave Mochi a little stress.

***This is not a sponsored post.

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